Book Cover


by Tara Westover
15.0 minutes

For readers of North of Normal and Wild, a stunning new memoir about family, loss and the struggle for a better futureTara Westover was seventeen when she first set foot in a classroom. Instead of traditional lessons, she grew up learning how to stew herbs into medicine, scavenging in the family scrap yard and helping her family prepare for the apocalypse. She had no birth certificate and no medical records and had never been enrolled in school.Westover's mother proved a marvel at concocting folk remedies for many ailments. As Tara developed her own coping mechanisms, little by little, she started to realize that what her family was offering didn't have to be her only education. Her first day of university was her first day in school—ever—and she would eventually win an esteemed fellowship from Cambridge and graduate with a PhD in intellectual history and political...

Key Points


Target Audience


  1. 对教育的力量抱有信念的人:这本书展现了教育如何改变一个人的人生轨迹,帮助其摆脱束缚,实现自我。
  2. 面临家庭关系挑战的人:书中关于家庭疏离和亲情挣扎的描写,能够引起那些在家庭关系中感到困惑和痛苦的读者的共鸣。
  3. 对不同文化和社会群体感兴趣的人:通过塔拉的视角,读者可以深入了解美国乡村地区的生活方式和信仰体系。
  4. 追求自我发现和个人成长的人:塔拉的故事激励读者勇敢地面对挑战,探索自我,追求梦想。
  5. 喜欢阅读回忆录和传记的读者:这本书以真实而动人的笔触,讲述了一个非凡的女性的成长历程。

Author Background

塔拉·韦斯特弗(Tara Westover)是一位美国作家,以其回忆录《你当像鸟飞向你的山》(Educated)而闻名。她出生于爱达荷州的一个摩门教家庭,在那里她主要在家接受教育。尽管起步较晚,她仍然进入了杨百翰大学,并获得了剑桥大学的博士学位。她的作品探讨了教育、家庭和自我发现的主题。

Historical Context


Chapter Summary


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