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by Ren Jiantao
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Book Edge: Reading, Judging People, and Observing the World

This book, "Book Edge: Reading, Judging People, and Observing the World" by Ren Jiantao, summarizes the author's insights on various topics ranging from Western political thought to Chinese culture, offering readers a unique perspective on society, politics, and personal growth.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of classical and modern political thought
  • Explore the complexities of Chinese culture and its modern transformation
  • Develop critical thinking skills to analyze social and political phenomena
  • Enhance your ability to connect reading with real-life experiences

Core Content:

1. The Importance of "The Federalist Papers" in Understanding American Governance:

  • "The Federalist Papers" explains the American constitution by the politicians who drafted it.

  • It is essential for understanding the construction of the federal system in the United States.

  • The book defends the republican system and promotes constitutional consensus.

  • Detailed explanation: It outlines why the US chose a republic over direct democracy, highlighting the constitutional spirit for national construction.

2. Insights from Masao Maruyama's "Thought and Behavior in Modern Politics":

  • Maruyama explores the spiritual state of modern Japanese politics, deeply reflecting on Japanese fascism after experiencing trauma.

  • He analyzes the relationship between nationalism, statism, and militarism, providing a unique insight into the causes of Japan's war.

  • He advocates for a calm observation of political science beyond ideological confrontation.

  • Detailed explanation: The book reflects on the spiritual state of Japanese politics, analyzing the link between nationalism, statism, and militarism.

3. The Political Theology of Early Modern Nation-Building According to Ernst Kantorowicz:

  • Kantorowicz shows how Christianity shapes early modern nation-building.

  • His research highlights the relation between the religious and political body.

  • It emphasizes the importance of religious concepts in the construction of sovereign power.

  • Detailed explanation: Kantorowicz's research emphasizes how Christian theology influences modern nation-building, demonstrating a close connection between religious and political entities.

4. Considerations of Republicanism in Contemporary Chinese Thought:

  • The article discusses the rise of republicanism in China, with a focus on resisting the homogenization of liberalism.

  • It also addresses the need for political systems that embody the common interests of all members of the political community.

  • Finally, there is a warning against the dangers of collectivist thinking.

  • Detailed explanation: This piece discusses the importance of distinguishing republicanism from liberalism and being wary of the dangers of collectivist thinking.

5. The Entanglement of Politics and Language:

  • Drawing from Aristotle's "Politics," the content recognizes that humans are inherently political animals due to language.

  • It suggests that language is what is used to maintain social stability and express ideas of justice.

  • It also addresses the evolution of political language from the ancient to the modern.

  • Detailed explanation: Aristotle's “Politics” emphasizes that humans are political animals because of their unique use of language, which shapes political life and thought.

6. The Transformation of Ritual Politics Through the Ages:

  • Ritual politics relies on symbolic activities to build political unity.

  • It is a key element of ancient politics.

  • Modern politics rely on practical means to resolve political struggles.

  • Detailed explanation: The essence of ritual politics was to use symbolic activities to realize political unity, a key component of ancient politics.

7. The Global Trend of Populism:

  • Populism excludes individualism, opposes liberalism in parliamentary politics.

  • It advocates for foreign expansion, glorifies war, and emphasizes national myths.

  • It is important to maintain a balance between populism and elitism in society.

  • Detailed explanation: The study on populism explains populism's characteristics. It is critical to keep a balance in society.

8. Social Theory and National Policy Consulting:

  • This involves bridging social theory with practical policy.

  • It requires navigating the tensions between theoretical rigor and political expediency.

  • 丸山真男 describes the historical background in both the East and the West.

  • Detailed explanation: To bridge social theory with practice, one needs to be adept at handling the conflict between theoretical rigor and what is politically expedient.

9. Elaborating on the Grand Narrative of Law and Politics:

  • This involves viewing the law from a historical perspective.

  • It means addressing macroscopic issues relating to country and territory.

  • This narrative can be used to inspire scholars to take on responsibilities.

  • Detailed explanation: Viewing the law from a historical perspective can provide new scholars with the inspiration to tackle tough legal and political issues.

10. The Consensus Among Legal and Political Scholars and the Creation of Legal and Political Theories:

  • Law and political scholars should aim to create modern legal and political mechanisms.

  • In addition, it is also helpful to engage in a long-term discussion on the topic.

  • The long-term discussion should involve people from multiple fields and backgrounds.

  • Detailed explanation: The development of modern legal and political theory will involve many different types of scholars and thinkers from different backgrounds.

11. Between Academic Research and Political Practice:

  • Academic research and political practice should be differentiated from each other, otherwise academics risk misinterpreting information.

  • To conduct academic research, one needs the ability to analyze problems and provide explanations.

  • When discussing politics, one cannot forget the well-being of the people.

  • Detailed explanation: It is very important to separate academic research from political practice. At the same time, one's analysis of the political situation should focus on benefiting the people.

12. Reform and China’s Rebirth:

  • The contents call for more political support to promote nationwide reform.

  • In the push for reform, it is important to solve existing problems and create systems that are resistant to bottlenecks.

  • This is an analysis of Chinese society, with the goal of providing practical solutions.

  • Detailed explanation: For China to be reborn, it needs to garner more political support nationwide, and its solutions need to be systemic to ensure long-term success.

13. Loosening Restrictions on Society:

  • It is critical to create a new model of social management.

  • This requires an understanding of the relationships between Christianity and Secular governments.

  • With a better understanding, the power of each can be better utilized.

  • Detailed explanation: The new social management model will entail a proper recognition of the power each institution holds and understanding how they relate.

14. The Trap of Private Faith in China’s Era of Reform:

  • In China, it is important to separate personal values with a commitment to organizational goals.

  • In addition, it is important to avoid the privatization of power.

  • Finally, it is important to study political problems using the lenses of political science.

  • Detailed explanation: China, it is critical to separate personal values with a devotion to organizational goals, avoid the privatization of power, and focus on using the field of political science to address political problems.

15. What Kind of World System?:

  • The world system is connected to the fate of China’s economic reform.

  • One must understand how China should interact with the world.

  • One must also take into account China’s needs, values, and position in the world.

  • Detailed explanation: China's relationship with the world will decide the fate of China's reforms. Understanding the needs, values, and position is critical.

16. Global Order Towards the "Post-Western Era":

  • The post-Western era has emerged with economic and political powers in other parts of the world beginning to rise.

  • In the new order, the West would need to find new means to collaborate with other countries.

  • China must not try to dominate the world and should focus on earning the support of other countries.

  • Detailed explanation: With the post-Western era emerging, the West will have to collaborate with other nations. China will need to make sure it gains the trust of its neighbors.

17. Imperial Retelling or National Retelling: The Political Choice of Chinese Narrative:

  • This is a commentary on the book "The Pivot of China: Four Thousand Years of the Middle Kingdom."

  • When providing a history of China, it is important to avoid nationalistic grandstanding.

  • Instead, it should focus on producing a well-sourced history that is accessible to others.

  • Detailed explanation: It is critical that any history of China be factually accurate, well-sourced, and accessible to both domestic and international audiences.

18. Rational Reflections on Chinese Culture:

  • It is critical to rationally reflect on Chinese culture.

  • This effort can also lead to finding a new approach to life and the creation of a modern personality.

  • There are a variety of different takes one can have on Chinese culture.

  • Detailed explanation: By reflecting on it, one will discover new ways to improve it and to come to a better understanding of Chinese culture and identity.

19. Shaping a Modern Personality:

  • One must understand how to cultivate a modern personality.

  • This requires a strong moral standard and the rejection of certain outdated and negative aspects of Chinese culture.

  • With new values, Chinese culture can undergo transformation.

  • Detailed explanation: Developing moral qualities can enable transformation for both the individual and for Chinese culture as a whole.

20. Enlightenment, Re-enchantment, and the Reconstruction of Confucianism:

  • It is important to come to a better understanding of Confucianism.

  • Today, we should still consider the points of view of both sides.

  • In summary, a new wave of enlightenment may be the way of the future.

  • Detailed explanation: In the reconstruction of Confucianism, new waves of enlightenment must combine.

21. Free Confucianism and Liberal Confucianism:

  • Free Confucianism focuses on creating new sources of power.

  • It is important to maintain the ideology's unique essence.

  • In addition, there must be a focus on both freedom and structure.

  • Detailed explanation: In Free Confucianism, new types of power must be sought. At the same time, its adherents should not forget the importance of maintaining its original ideas.

22. Two Problems of Modern Confucianism:

  • In modern society, it is important to know how to put people into work.

  • Also, it is important to solve all types of modern problems.

  • For China, it should focus on creating a model based on what the world needs.

  • Detailed explanation: In modern society, it is important to understand how to employ people and create modern solutions that are useful for everyone.

23. The Confucian Standpoint of Liberalism:

  • It explores the Confucian perspective on what constitutes legitimate power.

  • From this standpoint, moral guidance is necessary in the construction of society.

  • Those in power should be fair and have a high moral standing.

  • Detailed explanation: From a Confucian point of view, any person in a position of power needs to be fair and have a high moral standing.

24. Confucianism at the Turning Point of National Construction:

  • The goal is to create a new, more powerful form of Confucianism.

  • The new Confucianism must be both a tradition and a part of modern life.

  • In the end, it will involve promoting a good image that is recognized by others.

  • Detailed explanation: A new form of Confucianism should strive to be a balance between tradition and modernity, with a focus on creating a good image that is recognized by others.

25. Distinguishing the Modern and Contemporary Factions of Confucianism:

  • The author notes that it is important to understand different works of contemporary Confucianism.

  • There are many different viewpoints in Confucianism, but it is still worthwhile to engage in study of all of them.

  • In short, there is no single way to define Confucianism.

  • Detailed explanation: The text encourages one to be open minded as no single definition of Confucianism can capture the topic's total essence.

26. Occupying the Mountain as King:

  • Confucians need to reject the idea of establishing one central base.

  • Scholars should be open-minded.

  • Only through the acceptance of different thoughts can one find out what is real and what is fake.

  • Detailed explanation: It is critical that Confucians be receptive to all types of ideas so that they can better distinguish what is true.

27. Political Philosophy Should Be a Rational Philosophy Facing Modernity:

  • In a speech at a seminar on "Political Philosophy Research Series", it was argued that political philosophy should be a rational one that focuses on modernity.

  • The focus of that philosophy should be on rationality, not emotion.

  • To make it work in the real world, one should consider ethics.

  • Detailed explanation: For political philosophy to succeed, it must be rational and address the modern. This entails considering ethics.

28. Constructing Confucianism That Truly Faces Modernity:

  • Construct Confucianism that is capable of tackling modern problems.

  • This means that modern theories will need to be combined with traditional ideas.

  • One cannot simply rely on old models, as they were created for a different time.

  • Detailed explanation: Any attempt to apply Confucianism to a real-world situation needs to be modernized and adapted to fit the current era. One cannot rely on the original model.

29. The Bewilderment of Nation Building:

  • This discusses the study movement of students to other countries.

  • It addresses the imitation of other governments and the establishment of an autonomous nation.

  • The study aims to tackle the key questions at hand when it comes to creating a new nation.

  • Detailed explanation: The presentation addresses the study movement and imitation of foreign governments in establishing a new autonomous country.

30. Boundary Depiction and Marginal Interaction:

  • This includes the writing of "Liberalism in the Context of Modern Chinese Thought."

  • It is intended as a synthesis of modern and local thinking to provide useful and balanced points of view.

  • The intent is to bring modern and traditional thought together.

  • Detailed explanation: It was created to present a range of views. This is intended as a merger of local and Western thought.

31. Establishing "Public" Footing for Modern Countries:

  • The establishment of "Public" footing for modern countries includes "Public Political Philosophy."

  • This is meant to build a stable base for modern countries.

  • At the same time, people are seeking advanced knowledge from the West.

  • Detailed explanation: The goal is to lay a strong foundation for new countries. In addition, knowledge of Western philosophy is sought.

32. Seeking Advanced Truths from the West:

  • This is an introduction to the "Contemporary Western Political Science Frontier Translation Series."

  • It is intended to help the modern.

  • The main aim is to find advanced knowledge.

  • Detailed explanation: The series seeks to provide people with access to the most cutting-edge information from Western political science.

33. A Political Philosophy with a "Modern" Facet:

  • An introduction is provided to the "Political Philosophy Research Series".

  • The series is meant to present political philosophy in a modern manner.

  • The goal is to provide a modern perspective, but the focus should still be on maintaining ethics.

  • Detailed explanation: A new series of books aims to present a modern take on political philosophy, but ethics should still be valued as highly as possible.

34. Establishing Modern Beliefs:

  • Modern beliefs are to be established by "Breaking Away from Modern Classics."

  • This entails finding value in current society, learning from past mistakes, and creating a path for the future.

  • To that end, it is important to remember the 20th anniversary of the discussion on standards of truth.

  • Detailed explanation: In the establishing of modern beliefs, it is critical to find value in society, learn from past mistakes, and focus on creating the future.

35. “We Have Already Broken Through the Old Pattern":

  • This is a review of "When Nixon Met Mao."

  • The text aims to inspire readers to remember the spirit of the Chinese leaders of the past.

  • Leaders should not simply care about wealth and power, but also about morality.

  • Detailed explanation: To become a great nation, leaders cannot only care about power, but should value morality as well.

36. Great Power and Great Strategic Thinking:

  • It is a study on Zbigniew Brzezinski.

  • The text aims to examine the impact of Brzezinski's death.

  • This is related to big power strategic thinking.

  • Detailed explanation: It provides big power strategic thinking and an analysis of Brzezinski's accomplishments.

37. Several Problems with Democratic Transition and Consolidation:

  • This is a commentary of Professor Pei Minxin's theory of democratic transition.

  • It touches on several important issues.

  • It is important to note the responsibility of powerful groups.

  • Detailed explanation: The discussion on democratic transition and consolidation underscores the importance of powerful groups taking responsibility.

38. How to Break Free from the Vicious Circle of Revolution?:

  • This is a commentary on Rong Jian's theory of Chinese revolution and reform.

  • It is important to have multiple perspectives.

  • There is an intent to provide a path to real reform.

  • Detailed explanation: China must strive to move forward to a more positive and effective era of reform.

39. Shenzhen School Construction and Urban Cultural Self-Awareness:

  • This is a review of the Shenzhen School Construction Series.

  • There should be an effort to make people more culturally aware.

  • Shenzhen should not only seek to construct a new culture, but also promote its culture to the rest of the world.

  • Detailed explanation: Shenzhen should not only construct a new culture, but also share it on the world stage.

40. When There is No Sound, Enlightenment is Coming:

  • This was the author's speech at the 2016 Phoenix Commentary Outstanding Commentator Awards.

  • Even though words might be silent, enlightenment can still spread in society.

  • It is thanks to great commentators that society can improve and prosper.

  • Detailed explanation: Even though words might be silent at a certain moment, enlightenment can still spread and transform society.

41. The Person Who Led Me to Discover the Path to the Mountain of Books:

  • This piece is about the author's university teacher.

  • That teacher enlightened him.

  • The author expresses thanks for the teacher's contribution.

  • Detailed explanation: The author expresses his deep gratitude to his former teacher, who led him onto a path of knowledge.

42. Administrative Restructuring of Teaching According to Law:

  • It is important to conduct administrative reform according to the rule of law.

  • The goal is to reach consensus and maintain stability.

  • In education, reform needs to target the important underlying components.

  • Detailed explanation: To improve teaching through the rule of law, it is important to first focus on certain key elements and try to build consensus.

43. Weighing the University, Don’t Fail Youth:

  • Do not waste one's youth.

  • The university can be a place for developing new talents and learning skills.

  • A strong foundation can be laid in education.

  • Detailed explanation: For a young person attending a university, it can be a time for developing skills and a basis for a strong future.

44. Safeguarding “Two Skins":

  • It is important to safeguard the "Two Skins" at Zhongshan University.

  • The author, an alumnus, describes the two skins to current graduates.

  • He wishes for them to have success and prosperity.

  • Detailed explanation: At a Zhongshan University commencement, the author urged graduates to safeguard two skins: moral character and a strong professional background.

45. Read and Read Again - Another Year:

  • The author reflects on a year of reading and study.

  • He touches on a variety of topics relating to philosophy and politics.

  • He also discusses a variety of life perspectives.

  • Detailed explanation: The piece is a personal reflection on what it means to live a life of reading, studying, and thinking.

46. Wandering Around Panjiayuan:

  • It is fun to shop for books in Panjiayuan in Beijing.

  • The author describes the experience of finding great deals on all types of literature.

  • It is a memory that he will never forget.

  • Detailed explanation: Visiting the Panjiayuan book market in Beijing is a unique experience as one can find all different types of books at a great price.

47. Enjoying the Taiwan Book Market:

  • Taiwan is a great place for finding literature.

  • The culture and quality of life are pleasant.

  • The shopping experience is also enjoyable.

  • Detailed explanation: For a book lover, Taiwan is a great place to find new and used literature, in addition to enjoying the food and culture.

48. The Used Book Industry and Hong Kong’s Appeal:

  • Hong Kong used to be a great place for old books.

  • Hong Kong provides a wealth of opportunities for those who wish to express themselves.

  • However, the government should try to value culture more.

  • Detailed explanation: Although Hong Kong used to be a great place for used books, the government should focus on trying to place a higher value on culture.

49. Nowhere to Shop for Books: Remembering Guangzhou’s Cultural Taste:

  • It seems that there are no more places to shop for used books in Guangzhou.

  • Guangzhou culture may be gone forever.

  • It is important to never forget history.

  • Detailed explanation: The essay is a eulogy to a now lost culture in Guangzhou, focusing on the fact that there are fewer and fewer places to shop for used books.


Q: How to use "The Federalist Papers"?

A: Study the arguments to build a nation.

Q: What is significant about "Thought and Behavior in Modern Politics?"

A: Understand how ideological mistakes lead to war.

Q: What is "The two bodies of the King?"

A: The early modern governments have divinity.

Q: What is the most important thing in Contempory Republicanism?

A: The importance of engaging everyone.

Q: What did Aristotle contribute to Politics?

A: Humans are political animals who use languages.

Q: What is special about rituals?

A: It unifies political bodies.

Q: What are some of the issues presented by populist leaders?

A: In some cases, they might destroy political systems.

Q: What is important in social theory?

A: To balance theorical logic and political needs.

Q: Why is it hard to follow other books?

A: To be creative is more important.

Q: Why can it take time to complete reforms?

A: It requires a top to bottom approach.


Target Audience

This book is intended for readers interested in Chinese society, political thought, and cultural reflections. It appeals to intellectuals, students, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of China's past, present, and future. It also targets those interested in the intersection of Western and Chinese thought.

Author Background

Ren Jiantao is a professor of political science at Tsinghua University. He is known for his research on contemporary Chinese political thought, liberalism, and constitutionalism. He has published numerous books and articles on these topics and is a prominent voice in Chinese intellectual circles.

Historical Context

This book was published in 2019, a period marked by significant social and political changes in China. It reflects the ongoing debates about China's development path, its relationship with the West, and the role of traditional culture in modern society. The book also touches upon the rise of populism and the changing global order.

Chapter Summary


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