Book Cover

The Disengaged Teen

by Jenny Anderson
15.0 minutes

“Our education systems are shortchanging far too many teenagers. This book is brimming with insights on how to change that. It’s an engaging, evidence-based, and practical read about how to develop a generation of lifelong learners.”—Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hidden Potential and Think Again, and host of the podcast Re:ThinkingA powerful toolkit for parents of both checked-out and stressed-out teens that shows exactly what to do (and stop doing) to support their academic and emotional flourishing.   Adolescents are hardwired to explore and grow, and learning is mainly how they do this. But a shocking majority of teens are disengaged from school, simultaneously bored and overwhelmed. This is feeding an alarming teen mental health crisis. As kids get older and more independent, parents often feel powerless to help. But fear not, there are evidence-backed strategies...

Key Points


Target Audience


Author Background

Jenny Anderson 是一位屡获殊荣的记者,曾在《纽约时报》工作超过十年,之后在 Quartz 开创了对学习科学的报道。她为《时代》杂志撰写专栏;为包括《纽约时报》和《大西洋》在内的其他主要媒体撰稿;并在包括世界经济论坛和 SXSW EDU 在内的高级别活动中担任主持人。她与丈夫、两个女儿和宠物狗 Tiggy 住在伦敦。

Historical Context


Chapter Summary


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