Book LibraryPsychologyThe Idiot Brain
Book Cover

The Idiot Brain

by Dean Burnett
15.0 minutes

Why do you lose arguments with people who know MUCH LESS than you? Why can you recognise that woman, from that thing... but can't remember her name?And why, after your last break-up, did you find yourself in the foetal position on the sofa for days, moving only to wipe the snot and tears haphazardly from your face?Here's why: the idiot brain. For something supposedly so brilliant and evolutionarily advanced, the human brain is pretty messy, fallible and disorganised. For example, did you know that your memory is egotistical? That conspiracy theories and superstitions are the inevitable effects of a healthy brain? Or that alcohol can actually improve your memory?** In The Idiot Brain, neuroscientist Dean Burnett tours our mysterious and mischievous grey (and white) matter. Along the way he explains the human brain's imperfections in all their glory and how these influence everything we say, do...

Key Points


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Author Background

Dean Burnett 博士是加的夫大学心理医学和临床神经科学研究所的导师和讲师。他涉足单口喜剧,并为《卫报》撰写一篇受欢迎的科学博客“Brain Flapping”。

Historical Context


Chapter Summary


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