选集 包含:财新观察|在养老保障改革中掌握主动最新封面报道|竞逐AI 2.0时代最新封面报道之二|AI视觉“四小龙”掉队最新财新周刊|仲裁法出台30年首度大修 如何提高仲裁公信力对接国际规则最新财新周刊|地方专项债制度再调整最新财新周刊|银行股大涨背后最新财新周刊|公募基金2024年八成扭亏 数量多规模小、投资者难觅获得感专栏|应对外部不确定性最新财新周刊|Robotaxi赶考最新财新周刊|汽车企业重拾内燃机最新财新周刊|特别报道:大病救助黑洞科学|重启马航370搜寻,科学家能做什么?专栏·暮年絮语|衰老的现实与希望显影|财新视觉2024回顾 借一点光,照无声处逝者|吉米·卡特:审时度势促成中美建交前瞻|黎巴嫩将举行总统选举国风|学生营养餐整改涉40亿元1200人心智|新年的“重启按钮”天眼|真相待寻
Professionals, academics, and general readers interested in Chinese economics, finance, policy, technology, and social issues. This collection is particularly relevant for those seeking in-depth analysis and understanding of current trends and future developments in China.
This collection reflects the economic, social, and technological issues of early 2025, including concerns about pension sustainability, the AI revolution, legal and financial reforms, and ongoing global issues like the search for MH370. It also touches on the historical context of US-China relations with the passing of Jimmy Carter.