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Learn Rust in a Month of Lunches

by Dave MacLeod
15.0 minutes

Key Points

Learn Rust in a Month of Lunches

  • This book provides a straightforward guide to learning Rust, aiming to quickly equip readers with the language's basics and unique features. It covers everything from simple types to advanced concepts like async Rust.

  • You will be able to understand and use Rust's unique features to contribute to projects, write more robust and secure code, and learn efficient memory management in Rust.

Core Content:

1. Introducing Rust

  • Rust is a modern language offering speed, memory safety, and a friendly compiler.
  • It's designed to make programming safe and accessible, even if challenging initially.
  • Rust helps junior developers contribute confidently to existing codebases.


  • Single-line comments begin with //.
  • Multi-line comments are enclosed within /* and */.
  • Documentation comments, ///, are used for generating documentation.

3. Primitive Types

  • Signed integers: i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, and isize.
  • Unsigned integers: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, and usize.
  • char type: Represents Unicode characters using 4 bytes.

4. Type Inference

  • Rust can often automatically determine the type of a variable without explicit declaration.
  • Use type annotations when doing complex tasks or wanting different types.
  • Example: let my_number: u8 = 10;

5. “Hello, World!” and Printing

  • fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } is the basic structure of a Rust program.
  • println! macro: Used for printing to the console, appending a newline.
  • Code blocks are defined using curly braces {}.

6. Variables and Code Blocks

  • Use let keyword to declare variables.
  • Variables are immutable by default; use let mut for mutable variables.
  • Variable lifetimes are determined by the code blocks they are defined in.

7. Mutability (Changing)

  • Variables are immutable by default; use mut keyword to make them mutable.
  • Cannot change the type of a variable after it has been declared.

8. Shadowing

  • Shadowing allows declaring a new variable with the same name as an existing one, blocking the old variable.
  • Useful for temporary transformations or reusing names without needing to create new ones.


Q: What are the benefits of using Rust?

A: Rust offers speed, control, memory safety, a rich type system, and a helpful compiler, making it suitable for various applications.

Q: How do I add comments in Rust code?

A: Use // for single-line comments and /* ... */ for multi-line comments. Additionally, /// creates documentation comments.

Q: What are primitive types in Rust?

A: Primitive types include signed and unsigned integers, characters (char), and strings (&str and String).

Q: How does Rust handle type inference?

A: Rust can often determine the type of a variable automatically. You can specify the type explicitly when needed.

Q: What is the difference between println! and print!?

A: println! adds a newline character after printing, while print! does not.

Q: What is a code block, and how does it affect variable lifetimes?

A: A code block is a section of code enclosed in curly braces {}. Variables declared inside a code block are only valid within that block.

Q: How can I change the value of a variable in Rust?

A: Use the mut keyword when declaring the variable with let to make it mutable.

Q: What is shadowing in Rust?

A: Shadowing involves declaring a new variable with the same name as an existing variable. The new variable blocks access to the old one within its scope.

Q: What is the Rust Playground?

A: The Rust Playground is an online tool for writing and testing Rust code without needing a local installation.


Target Audience

Learn Rust in a Month of Lunches has a single goal: to be the absolute easiest way for anyone to learn Rust as quickly as possible. I like to think of the book’s target audience as these types of people: People who are ambitious and want to learn Rust as quickly as possible, People with English as a second language, People who are curious but don’t have enough time in the day and just want to get to the information, People who have read another introductory Rust book and want to go over the basics again with something new, People who have tried to learn Rust, but it still hasn’t clicked

Author Background

Dave MacLeod is a Canadian author who has lived in Korea since 2002, and in Japan for a few years before that. As a child, he created small role-playing games in BASIC, but later moved on to other interests. He returned to coding in the early 2010s and found Rust to be the language he wanted to devote himself to. He has worked as an educator, translator, project controller, and copywriter before becoming a full-time Rust developer in Seoul, Korea.

Historical Context

The Rust language was released in 2015 and, as of 2024, isn’t even a decade old. It’s quite new but already very popular, appearing just about everywhere you can think of—Windows, Android, the Linux kernel, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Discord, Cloudflare, you name it. It is incredible how popular Rust has become after less than a decade.

Chapter Summary


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